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Buckskin Activities Alliance


The Buckskin Activities Alliance (BAA) is a consortium of Conestoga Valley School District Coaches, Administrators, Board Members and Booster Club representatives. The organization represents a variety of extracurricular activities, including athletic programs, cheerleading, marching band and performing arts. The purpose of the BAA is to:

  1. Build synergy in addressing extracurricular facility needs for students that enhance our current programs.
  2. Identify alternative funding streams as a supplement to school district funding.
  3. Offset taxpayer dollars through alternative fundraising.
  4. Provide collaborative input for school district consideration.
  5. Further expand communications among CV parents and booster clubs.

Since its inception in 2005, the BAA has funded over $750,000 in facility improvements, including new lights for the marching band practice field, scoreboards in Rill gymnasium, dugouts for the softball field, an irrigation system for the soccer fields, hitting boards on the tennis courts, over-sized locker rooms in Rill, hurdles for the track teams, tent for cross country teams, LED techno strobe lights and haze machine for the drama club, protective netting for the lacrosse teams and new scoreboards in the Main gymnasium (partnership with Wrestling Booster Club).

Buckskin Activities Alliance meetings are typically held on the first week of every month at 7 p.m. at the high school.

Thank you for your support of the Buckskin Activities Alliance and the students of Conestoga Valley School District. For more information regarding Buckskin Activities Alliance, please contact Shelley Myers, BAA President. 

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