Student athletes planning to attend a Division I university or Division II university must follow the NCAA 16 Core-Course Rule. Only NCAA approved core courses are used to calculate a potential student athlete’s grade-point average (GPA). The NCAA approved core courses for Conestoga Valley High School are Traditional, Honors, AP and Dual Enrollment courses along with World Languages and a few academic electives. Conestoga Valley High School students may review the NCAA approved core courses at the following web site:
Select, “List of NCAA Courses” tab
Enter 392105 as the “6-digit CEEB/ACT Code”
NCAA 16 Core-Course Rule
CVHS students must choose courses at the Traditional level or above (Honors, AP, Dual Enrollment) to meet NCAA Eligibility Standards.
- Four (4) years of English
- Three (3) years of Math (Algebra 1 or higher)
- Two (2) years of Natural/Physical Science (1 year of lab if offered by high school)
- Two (2) years of Social Sciences
- Four (4) years of additional courses (from any area above, world language or nondoctrinal religion/philosophy)