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Booster Clubs

Parent Athletic Code of Conduct & Athletic Department Expectations

  1. Support your child by being a positive listener, especially after a difficult game or loss.
  2. Avoid putting pressure on your child to start, score or be the star of the team.
  3. Do not force an unwilling child to participate in athletics. Children take part in organized sports for their own enjoyment, not yours.
  4. Positively support coaches and administration, especially in public.
  5. Avoid speaking negatively about the coach in front of your child. Doing so may create a major barrier in the child’s hope for improvement.
  6. Understand the ultimate purpose of education-based athletics; it exists as an integral part of the total educational mission of the CVSD and participation in athletics is a privilege, not a right.
  7. Serve as a good role model for the students, athletes and fans. Children learn best by imitation and good example.
  8. Positively contribute to the booster clubs by volunteering to help with projects and committees.
  9. Appreciate the educational opportunity that your athlete is receiving in the athletic program. This includes the enormous time and effort put forth by coaches.
  10. Display excellent sportsmanship at all times. Teach your child to pursue victory with honor and integrity.
  11. Show respect to everyone involved in CV athletic programs – coaches, student/athletes, fans, groundskeepers, parents, officials, ticket sellers, game managers and administrators. Do not publicly question an official’s judgment or integrity. Don’t complain or argue about an official’s calls or decisions during or after an athletic event.
  12. Follow the proper chain of command when you have a concern. In most, if not all, your child should speak to the coach first to address any perceived issues or problems.
  13. Express your concerns and questions in a courteous, civil manner and an appropriate time.
  14. Cheer for CV, not against the opponent.
  15. Avoid constant and chronic complaining.
  16. Understand the goals of the team and the athletic programs are more important than the hopes and dreams you may have for your child.
  17. Help your child embrace the notion that individual sacrifice for the betterment of the team is of paramount importance.
  18. Be loyal to the school and team.
  19. Be Loud, Be Proud and Be Positive.
  20. Teach your child to win with class and lose with dignity.
  21. Support the concept of “being a student” first. Commit your child to getting the best possible education. Be honest with your child about the likelihood of getting an athletic scholarship or playing professional sports. Reinforce that college and universities will not recruit student/athletes who do not have a serious commitment to their education.
  22. Always keep the proper perspective – family, faith, fun and education are far more important than athletics.
First page of the PDF file: Parent_Code_of_Conduct
Parent Code of Conduct