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CVHS Locker Room Rules

  • Locker rooms are to be used for changing, showering and using bathroom facilities before and after games, practices and/or PE class.  Aside from use during halftime of athletic contests, locker rooms are not to be used for any other activity.
  • HAZING/HARASSMENT. School district policy strictly prohibits hazing, harassment and other types of inappropriate conduct.  This is especially important in locker room facilities.  Report such behavior to staff members immediately.
  • CELL PHONES. Cell phones and other devices that contain photo or video taking technology are strictly prohibited from use in locker rooms.  Secure all such items in lockers with all other possessions.
  • All students’ personal and school items should be stored and locked in lockers.
  • Respect personal and school property at all times.  Do not touch or take any item not belonging to you without the permission of the owner.  Vandalism of any kind will result in disciplinary action that may include suspension, expulsion and referral to law enforcement.
  • Loitering and hanging out in locker rooms is strictly prohibited.  Locker rooms are to be used immediately before and after games, practices and PE class.  Students are to vacate the locker room immediately after use.
  • PE CLASS. Students are to report to locker rooms at the designated time for class.  Students have 10 minutes from the start of the bell to change and report to their designated PE area.  All students should secure their possessions in lockers using PE-issued combination locks.
  • FITNESS CENTER USE. All student using the Fitness Center after school are to use the boys’ and girls’ team room locker rooms for changing.  Members of sports teams may use their designated locker rooms at the direction of their coach.
  • Respect the privacy of all students in locker room facilities at all times.