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Sponsorship Information

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Lancaster Lebanon League Soccer

Sponsorship Information


The soccer teams of the LL League are looking for sponsors to help their players promote Cancer education and fund research.  The last week of the season all teams, who participate, will be promoting Red Card Cancer.  To do this the teams will have the official LL League Red Card Cancer shirt on during warm-ups.  Booster clubs and school personal will be making announcements about the Red Card Cancer program and asking for donations to help the cause.  As a sponsor you or your business can put a logo to a line of text on the back of the official shirt.  The money generated from sponsorships goes to purchasing the team shirts first and then any money beyond the cost of the team shirts goes directly to the Kimmel Cancer Research Center at Johns Hopkins University – Red Card Cancer’s partner. 


Teams that can raise a minimum $500 in sponsorships will recieve enough shirts for thier JV/Varisty roster and Jv/Varsity Coaching staff.


Example of past shirt design

Shirt Image


Line of Text





To become a RCC sponsor choose between the Boysand Girlsside of the game

Fill out the forms and pay using a credit card

If you have a logo make sure that it is vector artwork in either a .pdf or .eps file