English/Language Arts
Conestoga Valley School District believes literacy is a critical foundation for all learning and serves as a "keystone" for opportunity and success.
Conestoga Valley School District Literacy Mission: CVSD will provide direction to stakeholders regarding their responsibilities in developing an integrated, aligned and comprehensive set of literacy experiences that will educate all students to be competent, caring and contributing citizens in an ever-changing global community.
Conestoga Valley School District Literacy Vision: All CVSD students will become well-educated, life-long critical thinkers with a command of literacy and communication skills that prepare them for the challenges of the 21st century and enable them to achieve their personal and professional goals.
CVSD has aligned its curriculum with the Common Core state standards. Teachers in all discipline areas are structuring their lessons around Common Core standards and designing formative and summative assessments that gauge student mastery of the standards.
Teachers and administrators regularly receive extensive professional development to prepare them to facilitate student mastery of literacy standards. Recognizing the importance of differentiated instruction, CVSD teachers consistently collect evidence of student achievement to measure student growth and determine literacy needs, providing interventions when necessary. Special Education teachers work with regular education teachers to ensure that they meet all students at their instructional skill levels. By implementing a district-wide approach to standards-based instruction, CVSD shares the responsibility of teaching literacy to all students.