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SUN Bucks (formerly Pandemic Electronic Benefit Supplemental Payments)

Important Announcement:

As of May 2024, the summer PEBT program is now called SUN Bucks.

For the summer of 2024, qualified households will receive $120 Summer EBT/SUN Bucks benefit (which equals $40 for each summer month) for every eligible child in the household.  The benefit will be issued at the household level, meaning if multiple eligible students are in a household, the benefit will be combined into one issuance amount. The benefit will be issued to the family's existing state EBT card (for SNAP or TANF) or on a new SUN Bucks card that is mailed, in most cases, to the household contact and address DHS has on file for that household. Schools are not able to change this information. If your SNAP, TANF, or Medical Assistance information needs to be updated, contact your County Assistance Office. If the household does not have a SNAP, TANF, or Medical Assistance case with DHS, the address that the school has on file will be used.  DHS will issue the 2024 Summer EBT/SUN Bucks benefits from late August to September 2024 . All benefits should be issued by the end of October 2024. This may seem late for a benefit intended to assist eligible children and families over the summer months. DHS is building new processes and systems to meet USDA guidelines for this new program. Families are asked to be patient and understanding during this implementation year. The intent is for the benefit to be issued earlier in the summer break in future years.

Schools cannot assist families with Summer EBT/SUN Bucks benefit questions. Schools cannot access the state's Summer EBT/SUN Bucks system or records. 

Important Resources:

  • DHS Summer EBT/SUN Bucks webpage: this webpage provides information about the benefit, Frequently Asked Questions, and an eligibility navigator tool to help families determine if they need to apply for the benefit. 
  • County Assistance Offices (CAO) Located Tool
  • Statewide Customer Service Center:877-395-8930. Note: DHS asks families not to call the County Assistance Offices or Statewide Customer Service lines regarding not receiving Summer EBT/SUN Bucks before the end of August 2024, when almost all Summer EBT/SUN Bucks benefits for automatically eligible children have been issued.