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Growth & Development



Every year, fifth and sixth grade students at Conestoga Valley study Human Growth and Development. This has been an approved part of the curriculum in Conestoga Valley elementary schools since 1974. When grant funding is available, the growth and development sessions are provided by qualified health educators from Byrnes Health Education Center in York. Otherwise, classroom teachers and school nurses will be presenting most of the program content, with one supplemental session taught to girls and boys separately. 

During this supplemental time, the girls and boys will separately view age-appropriate DVDs, and participate in a lesson reviewing the normal growth and development pattern associated with puberty. Physical and emotional changes will be clearly and appropriately explained. The focus of this material is to acquaint your student with the upcoming changes of puberty from a positive and healthy perspective. As adolescence approaches, this is an ideal time for parents to begin an open dialogue with children.

Parents can preview the videos to be shown in class by clicking on the links further down this webpage.

If you have any further questions about this program, please talk to your student’s classroom teacher or contact your school nurse. If you prefer that your child not attend the additional session to view these videos, please send in a written note requesting that your child not participate.

In addition to the above growth and development materials, sixth grade students will also be educated on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), as mandated by the state. This unit will focus on age-appropriate information concerning the nature of the disease, transmission, and prevention. 

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