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Step 2: Registration

After receiving the email confirming your pre-registration, please continue with the steps below:

  1. Create a PowerSchool Account

    • Click here.
    • Click on "Create Account."
    • Fill in the information requested for your desired username and password.
    • Enter the student name, student account ID, and student account password found in your pre-registration email.
  2. Complete the Enrollment Forms in PowerSchool
    • Select the student you are enrolling.
    • Click on FORMS and then choose the Enrollment Tab to begin the process. 
    • Start at the first form listed by clicking on the form's name (in blue). Submit each form when completed to move to the next section.
    • We estimate that it will take at least 30 minutes per student to complete the Online Registration Form.
    • You can save and return to the online registration form at any time prior to your appointment (see item #3 below for appointment information)
  3. Set up an Enrollment Appointment by following the appropriate directions below.
    • Contact CV's Student Registration Department at 717-397-2421 x0012 to schedule an enrollment appointment.
    • During your enrollment appointment at the Central Registration Office**, you will be asked to provide documentation of proof of residency, proof of age, and proof of immunizations. In addition, you will be asked for guardianship paperwork or custody paperwork, if applicable.
    • A list of acceptable documents can be found in the left sidebar under "Necessary Documentation."

      ** incoming kindergartners registering PRIOR to the start of an academic year should present these documents at their student's Kindergarten Showcase event. If you are registering mid-year or missed the Kindergarten Showcase, you will bring the documents to the Central Registration Office**