SPAC Parent Resource Center
Parents living in school districts that receive Title I funding have access to materials from the State Parent Advisory Council’s Parent Resource Center. The resource center has a large selection of parent resource materials that provide concise and up-to-date information on topics that affect children, teenagers, and their families. Title I parents are welcome to request a single copy of up to ten free booklets that might help them to discuss important issues with their child(ren) and support student achievement.
Title I funding and status is based on the total percentage of students who receive free or reduced lunch in a given building. Fritz, Leola, and Smoketown Elementary schools are school-wide Title I buildings. Gerald G. Huesken Middle School is considered a Targeted Assistance Title I building.
Parents may access a hard copy of the order form for these materials at their elementary buildings or online at the link below.
Parents who have questions about CVSD’s Title I status may contact their school’s reading specialist or principal or Dr. Jill Koser Director of Elementary Education (397-2421).