What is an internship?
An internship is a short-term employment experience that allows a high school student to gain introductory skills and knowledge in a certain profession. Student interns will participate with a specific company, firm, or other organization and will be assigned to one or several types of work environments under the guidance of a site supervisor.
An internship is a short-term employment experience that allows a high school student to gain introductory skills and knowledge in a certain profession. Student interns will participate with a specific company, firm, or other organization and will be assigned to one or several types of work environments under the guidance of a site supervisor.
How do I sign-up?
Companies and community resources who are interested in being involved with these opportunities should fill out this form. One of our internship coordinators will contact you as soon as possible!
What are the benefits of participating in an internship?
What are the benefits of participating in an internship?
- Enhance your school transcript for applications to colleges and employment opportunities
- Learn more about your field of interest
- Apply knowledge learned in the classroom
- Gain valuable work experience
- Decide if the career is the right path
- Develop and build upon employability skills
- Create connections with local companies
- Make valuable networking
contacts - Obtain references for future job opportunities
What are the hour and requirements?
- A mininum of six (6) hours a week is required (54 hours (.5 credit), 108 hours (1.0 credit), 216 hours (2.0 credits).
- Students must complete application
- Return hour logs, supervisor feedback forms (1 per quarter), complete and present a digital learning portfolio.
- Must provide own transportation.
- All internships must be secured with completed paperwork and clearances PRIOR to the start of the marking period.
What is the process?
- Student (junior or senior) should meet with their counselor to discuss internship opportunities.
- Student should meet/email Mr. Danz or Mr. Krulock to establish a plan for their internship.
- Internship Coordinator will work with student to secure an internship.
Can interns be paid?
Yes, internships can be paid positions. Questions to consider: Is the company deriving direct benefit from the intern? Could the intern be replacing an employee? If so, then it is foreseeable that the intern should be paid. However, there is no minimum or maximum wage for internships and rate of payment is at the discretion of the company.
What is the difference between our Internship Program and Work Experience?
Internships should be aligned with learner's post-secondary and/or career goals. Internships should promote the development of new career-related skills. A work study can apply to any type of job and does not need to be tied to post-secondary goals or career goals.