Character Strong
Character education is a district-wide emphasis on those values held to be important by the Conestoga Valley community. In 2021-22, the District adopted CharacterStrong as its character education curriculum. CharacterStrong includes not only curriculum but also trainings that foster the Whole Child with vertically-aligned lessons that teach social-emotional learning (SEL) and character, side-by-side.
Each month has a character education trait as a theme of the month.
Parents are encouraged to discuss these traits with their children and to use everyday examples to reinforce them. Parents and local community leaders are encouraged to download and print the poster found at the bottom of this page and hang it up in a visible area.
September RESPECTis seeing value in all people and things & treating them with care. |
RESPONSIBILITYis taking action and understanding the impact of our choices.
GRATITUDEis choosing to appreciate the people and things in our lives. |
December EMPATHYis understanding and connecting to other people's feelings. |
PERSEVERANCEis pushing yourself to work through challenges and obstacles. |
HONESTYis being truthful in what you say and do. |
COOPERATIONis working together to reach shared goals. |
April COURAGEis choosing what is helpful, right, and kind - even when it's hard and scary. |
CREATIVITYis using your imagination to create something new or solve a problem. |