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Conestoga Valley School District At a Glance

2024-25 Why CV? Brochure


high school students getting off bus


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Character education is a district-wide initiative based on character traits identified by the community as being important. In 2021-22, the district introduced a new social-emotional learning tool, CharacterStrong, to enhance its existing focus on character and character traits. CharacterStrong is a curriculum and professional development organization with a goal to create a better world through education. The mission is to help schools more effectively teach strong character and social-emotional skills to their students.

Educational Technology

The district is a leader in technological innovation and infrastructure. Every student receives an iPad and in grades 1-12, an integrated keyboard case. Additionally, students have access to desktop or laptop computers based on the courses they select. A robust wireless network supports connectivity throughout the district. All core classrooms are also equipped with interactive whiteboards, iPads, and classroom performance systems. The district’s technology infrastructure is maintained by 9 full-time employees and supports some 5,000 users.

Academic Assessment

Conestoga Valley is committed to an assessment program reflecting national, state, and local measures. Each year, CV administers the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) math and English Language Arts (ELA) exams in grades three through eight, and science in grades four and eight. High school students take the state’s end-of-course Keystone Exams in algebra, literature, and biology. CV maintains a balance of diagnostic, benchmark, formative and summative assessments at all levels, including locally-developed assessments.

Student Services

The district provides numerous special services to its students, including gifted education, learning support, emotional support, life skills support, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), speech and language programs including English as a Second Language (ESL), Safe2Say Something program, bullying prevention programs, and the Student Assistance Program (SAP). There are school counselors and psychologists in each building, three district-wide home school visitors/social workers, and nurses and nurse assistants in each building.

Special Education

All CV schools offer special education services based on a student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). These supports could involve modification of lessons or instruction outside of the regular classroom. CV’s special education services aim to enable all students to achieve to their fullest potential.


Each school in the district has a quality library staffed with a certified school librarian. CVSD patrons have use of more than 80,000 print volumes that can be shared through Destiny, the online library catalog. All CV students have access to online resources, including grade-level appropriate specialty databases, ebooks and electronic tools. Online resources are available 24/7 for use at home. District libraries offer video collections and the capability to download streaming audio and video. The libraries at CV High School and Gerald G. Huesken Middle School offer extended hours for student use.


CV has excellent, modern facilities for learning. The district boasts specially-designed classrooms that feature digital science and music equipment, 3D printing, three television studios, three 500+ seat auditoriums, synthetic turf fields (including the stadium), all-weather track - which was resurfaced in the summer of 2022, a state-of-the-art fitness center, and a 2,000-seat gymnasium. The most recent highlight was the renovation of the old middle school which now houses Smoketown Elementary, the District Offices, and the Conestoga Valley Virtual Academy elementary learning center.

Student Safety

Conestoga Valley takes a proactive approach to keep students in a safe learning environment. Emergency plans are in place at each school. CV has a Director of Safety and Security in addition to two School Resource Officers (SROs) who are full-time officers with the East Lampeter Township Police Department. Buildings are designed to route all visitors through secure entrances, and the district’s Safety Task Force meets regularly to review plans and make further recommendations, including recent installations of cameras and barriers. 

CV Virtual Academy (CVVA)

CV offers students in grades K-12 a cyber education with a local touch. Virtual Academy students experience self-directed learning in core subjects while enjoying access to CV field trips, on-campus elective courses, and extracurricular activities. CVVA also has three learning centers on CV campuses - an elementary learning center at Smoketown Elementary and two secondary Internet Cafes. 

First 10

Research shows that the First 10 years of a child’s life provides the foundation for later learning, growth, and development. 

Over the last two years, CV has worked diligently on increasing its First 10 efforts, including hiring CV’s First 10 Administrator and receiving a Pre-K Counts grant to house pre-k classrooms within our elementary schools! CV is able to offer 100 Pre-K classroom spots across all four of our elementary schools every school year.

CV Education Foundation

The Conestoga Valley Education Foundation (CVEF) is an independent, non-profit organization that has provided more than $1 million in funding for educational initiatives since its founding in 1993. CVEF’s Board of Trustees looks to fund creative and innovative classroom projects that are not funded through the regular district budget.


CV emphasizes communication with employees, parents, community members, and students. The district’s public relations department uses multiple platforms to promote programs and accomplishments including newsletters, social media, the district website, and more.

Volunteers in Action

CV has a tradition of strong, enthusiastic parental support. In 1975, the district initiated Volunteers in Action (VIA), an organized volunteer program that assists teachers and administrators and plans are already in the works to celebrate its 50-year anniversary next school year!

Proven Excellence

CV students post some of the highest test scores regionally, and the district boasts one of the highest academic growth rates statewide. The entire district was recognized by the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) as a 2024 Best Community for Music Education. In addition, the district also routinely excels at the state TSA conference; last year, CV took home gold in 12 different events between middle and high school students and 13 top-three finishes.


Student Population

District: 4,010

High School: 1,333

Middle School: 868

Brownstown: 413

Fritz: 556

Leola: 327

Smoketown: 513



Total: 453

Teachers: 368

Administrators: 31

Support Staff: 54



District Area: 56 square miles

Population: 33,000



Caucasian/White: 52.6%

Hispanic: 24.0%

Unclassified: 3.5%

Black/African-American: 7.7%

Multi: 6.9%

Asian: 5.0%

Other: 0.3%

Free/Reduced Lunch: 37.0%

Native Languages: 36