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Right to Know Law

Open Records at Conestoga Valley School District

Right to Know requests will only be fulfilled if submitted by a person that is a legal resident of the United States. Anonymous requests will not be fulfilled.
The Right to Know Law is Pennsylvania’s open records law. It requires government agencies in Pennsylvania, including Conestoga Valley School District, to provide access to and copies of public records to the public.
The Law, signed by Gov. Rendell in 2008, fundamentally changes the structure of Pennsylvania’s open records law in favor of public access. It presumes that all records held by state and local agencies are public, that all legislative records of the General Assembly are public, and that all financial records of Pennsylvania’s court system are public. The Law contains 30 categories of records that are exempt from disclosure under the Law, including records that, if disclosed, would threaten homeland security or a person’s personal security, criminal investigative records, medical records, and certain personnel records.
Requests must be submitted to the district using the form below. Fill in the appropriate information, print, sign and mail to:
Dr. Daniel Hartman, Superintendent
Conestoga Valley School District
502 Mt. Sidney Road
Lancaster, PA 17602
Superintendent Dr. Daniel Hartman is CVSD's Right to Know officer.