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Superintendent Goals

Click the button below to download a copy of the 2023-24 and 2024-25 Superintendent Goals.

Superintendent Goals

Superintendent Goals

As per the PA Public School Code, school districts are required to post the mutually agreed upon objective performance standards included in the professional contract of the District Superintendent. Through the formal written evaluation process in June 2024, Dr. Hartman demonstrated achievement of the agreed upon following objective performance standards established pursuant to the PA Public School Code. 

2023-2024 Superintendent’s Attained Goals/Performance Objectives:

  • Goal 1- Complete all aspects of an effective transition.

  • Goal 2- Develop a cohesive Communication Plan to engage staff, students, and community.

  • Goal 3- Complete current 3-year District Goals providing quarterly updates.

  • Goal 4- Facilitate and provide oversight for the development of the 2024-2027 District Comprehensive Plan.

2024-2025 Superintendent’s Approved Goals/Performance Objectives:

  • Goal 1- Be responsive to District staffing challenges: Increase or maintain staff retention and strengthen District educator pipelines for faculty and leadership positions.

  • Goal 2- Enhance communication and engagement with both internal and external stakeholders.

  • Goal 3- Establish and lead the District Artificial Intelligence (AI) Task Force for the purpose of identifying best practices, policy implications, and professional development needs around teacher and student use of AI.

  • Goal 4- Be actively involved in District facilities’ decision making and collaboratively leading future District facilities planning.