Elementary Schools at a Glance
Academic Programs
Each elementary school offers a comprehensive K-5 curriculum of mathematics, language arts, science and social studies, as well as music, art, and physical education programs. The Conestoga Valley Virtual Academy, a K-12 cyber program for CV students, features an elementary learning center housed at Fritz Elementary.
Full-Day Kindergarten
Offered in all elementary schools, full-day kindergarten is part of the district’s robust early childhood education program. Literacy remains the focus in full-day kindergarten, while the extended instructional time allows for greater depth in math, science, and social studies.
First 10/Early Childhood
Conestoga Valley elementary schools embrace the First 10 model which aligns services, supports, and educational opportunities from birth to age 10. Prior to the start of this school year, CV was awarded a grant which has allowed all four of its elementary schools to become homes to pre-k classrooms! CV and its fellow First 10 community partners are able to provide programs that offer engaging learning activities that enhance school readiness and support students’ social, cognitive, and physical development.
Math Curriculum
The Conestoga Valley School Board approved a new elementary math curriculum prior to the start of the 2022-23 school year. After an extensive vetting process with input and feedback from a variety of stakeholders, Origo Stepping Stones was selected as the district’s new elementary math curriculum. The program centers around play-based and arts-integrated math activities that help young children learn.
Literacy Program
CV’s elementary literacy program is based on an evidence-based, structured literacy framework grounded in the science of learning to read. Students are explicitly and systematically taught decoding skills in the primary grades in order to access and comprehend complex texts in all grade levels. Students also learn to effectively communicate in speaking and writing to be able to share their thinking with peers and teachers. Strategic assessment of students’ abilities guides instruction in order to meet the needs of our diverse learners. We aim to develop literate and dynamic learners who are able to successfully demonstrate all components of the Profile of a CV Learner.
Art, Music, Library & Phys. Ed
CV’s elementary special areas are developmental and child-centered. Every cycle, elementary students participate in music, art, library, and physical education classes. In each program, students learn specific skills and how those skills can be applied in various settings.
Counseling Program
Elementary counselors address academic, social-emotional, and career needs through classroom guidance lessons on topics such as conflict resolution, study skills, and teamwork. Individual and small group counseling take place daily. Counselors collaborate with teachers concerning individual needs of students and screen students for the gifted program. Counselors play an integral role in welcoming new families into the buildings as well as the kindergarten registration, screening, and orientation processes. All elementary schools work with students to minimize bullying behavior using a positive school-wide behavior framework.
Before/After school care
Conestoga Valley has a contract with Steps to Success in Leola, Pa. to provide before and after school care in its elementary school buildings.
Parent-Teacher Organizations
CV has active parent-teacher organizations at each elementary school. PTOs coordinate activities and fundraisers, and offer scholarships to graduating seniors.