GHMS at a Glance
The Building
The brand new Gerald G. Huesken Middle School officially opened its doors in September 2022! The building now houses students in grades 6-8 with a capacity for a student body of 1,200 with a current enrollment of approximately 1,000. The building boasts state-of-the-art tech ed classrooms, flexible learning spaces, and much more.
Middle School Philosophy
Middle school philosophy centers around an environment that is flexible and ever-changing like the young adolescents it serves. This learning community is built on a foundation of collaboration, communication, learning, and personal accountability. Teachers work in small teams - or “pods” - by collaborating across teaching specialties and sharing responsibility for literacy development, advocacy, social-emotional development, and overall adolescent growth. Teams are prepared by various grouping arrangements of students to achieve success for each child. These interdisciplinary teams provide support and new opportunities for each student.
The middle school curriculum is designed to give students the skills they need to be successful contributors to our communities. Interdisciplinary teaching, a cornerstone of the team approach, gives learning a greater sense of relevance and meaning by providing connections between subjects. In addition to core subjects, middle school students study world languages, art, and technology.
Advice and mentoring
The middle school provides class meeting time for teachers and students to discuss academic concerns, anti-bullying practices and responsible behavior, as well as problem-solving methods in order to foster strong student decision-making skills. GGHMS also implements WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) programming that pairs eighth-grade mentors with incoming sixth graders to ease the transition to middle school. WEB leaders receive comprehensive training prior to the start of each school year. The middle school also has its own dedicated home school visitor.
GGHMS offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including 11 sports teams. Middle school students can also participate in the school play, Technology Student Association (TSA), community service groups, as well as band, chorus, and orchestra. There is also a diverse offering of clubs catering to a variety of student interests.
Hands-On Learning
Hands-on instructional practices are key to many learning opportunities at the middle school. All students receive an iPad for use during the school year, and teachers utilize various 1:1 learning technologies and strategies. Students also enjoy modern equipment in tech classes and digital experimentation equipment in science labs. The middle school also features a student-run television studio. Learning opportunities extend beyond the classroom, including an interdisciplinary experience at Cape Henlopen, Del.