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Absence Make-Up Policy

Work missed as a result of absence (either individual class or full day) may be made up if:

  • the absence was excused
  • the absence was for disciplinary reasons
  • the absence was unexcused (maximum three days)
  • the absence was an approved educational trip (regardless of length of absence)
  1. Students should contact teachers on the day returning to school to receive missed assignments.
  2. Students who know of an absence in advance should contact teachers for assignments prior to the absence.
  3. In absences of two weeks or less, the makeup time for assignments is equal to the time absent (e.g. if a student was absent for two days, he/she has two days to make up the missed work). However, long-term assignments made prior to the absence are expected to be completed upon the student’s return to school.
  4. In absences of two weeks or more, the student will have two weeks to make up missed work.  Parents or students should contact the school for assignments. Teachers may be contacted directly by e-mail.
  5. An incomplete grade may be given to students who have an extended absence of at least five days in the last two weeks of a marking period.
  6. Incomplete work must be made up within two weeks after the end of the marking period. Discretion may be used for unusual circumstances.
  7. Homework may be requested from the main office by telephone after two or more days of absence due to illness. Please allow 24 hours to process homework requests. Parents and students may also request assignments directly from teachers by email. Email addresses of individual teachers can be found on the Conestoga Valley’s website at

Excuses for Religious Reasons

Class: Parents may submit a written request to the principal to have their child excused from instruction which they oppose on religious grounds. The student will be excused for only that portion of the class and they will be expected to complete alternative assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to remind the teacher of the approved excuse.

School: Parents may submit a written request to the principal to have their child excused from school to observe or participate in a religious activity or to receive religious instruction. Contact the building administration for procedures.

Snow Make-Up Days (in order of use):

September 23, October 11, December 2, February 14, March 14, April 17, and April 21. Emergency weather announcements are made using an automated phone/text/email system and posted on and Facebook, as well as local radio and television.