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School district attendance regulations are based on §1300 of the Pennsylvania Public School Code.

Pennsylvania Attendance Law

Right to an education: All Commonwealth residents between the ages of 6 and 21 are entitled to a free education in the state’s public schools. No student shall be denied access to a free and full public education on account of race, religion, gender, or national origin.

Compulsory attendance: Parents are required to have their children attend an approved school no later than age 6 until the age of 18. Except as otherwise provided by law, compulsory school age refers to the period of a child’s life from the time the child enters school (which may be no later than at the age of 6 years) until the age of 18 or graduation from a high school, whichever occurs first.  

School Entrance Age: A child must be five (5) years, zero (0) months by September 1st to be eligible for kindergarten, and six (6) years, zero (0) months by September 1 to be eligible for grade one (1).

Truant: Having three (3) or more school days of unexcused absence during the current school year by a child subject to the compulsory school attendance law.

Habitually Truant: Having six (6) or more school days of unexcused absence during the current school year by a child subject to the compulsory school attendance law.

Highlights of Attendance Policy

  • A maximum of 10 days of excused absences verified by parental notification may be permitted during a school year.
  • After three (3) days of unexcused absence, parents receive a first notice that their child’s attendance is not as required under the rules for compulsory attendance. 
  • If the district magistrate finds that the parents are not guilty in the unexcused absence of their child, the district may prosecute the child if age 13 or older. 
  • Tardies are cumulative – excessive tardiness will be penalized by CV administration.
  • Vacations and family trips (child must be accompanied by an adult): Up to five (5) days each year may be classified as excused for time spent on a vacation or trip. Approval must be requested, in writing, prior to the trip. Permission for family trips to be classified as excused will be denied if the student has accumulated three (3) or more unexcused absences. 
  • Excuse cards signed by the parent are required within three (3) days for all absences. Failure to provide within three (3) days will result in classifying the absence as unexcused.
  • The school will require a written physician’s excuse in all cases of excessive absences.
  • “7 Day Letters” will be sent to ALL parents when their child’s absence, excused or unexcused, has reached seven (7) days.