Weather Delays & Cancellations
Weather Delays & Cancellations
Change in School Day for Weather Conditions
Decisions to delay the opening of school, dismiss students early, or close for the day are made strictly on concerns for student safety. Accordingly, a decision may be made on a forecast of bad weather predicted for the morning. Initial decisions must be made by 6 a.m. in order to inform buses. In many cases, the first announcement may be for a delay. Continue to monitor school and local media outlets as later announcements may close school for the day.
Special Conditions: Sometimes special conditions (flooding, power failure, etc.) may force the closing of only one school or require an early dismissal. Discuss with your child plans to handle these special situations.
Waiting for Bus: Students are expected to wait 30 minutes for their bus.
Canceling Activities: Procedures set forth below will automatically go into effect with early dismissal or cancellation announcements. Exceptions will be announced.
- Early dismissal due to weather
- No activity buses. School will officially close 30 minutes after the last bus (all students out of the building).
- No practice, games, or after school or evening events (exception: sports playoffs).
- No school due to weather
- Middle school: No practices/games/events or after school events.
- Senior high: Decision will be made at noontime by athletic director and superintendent for that day’s practice, games, or events.
- If practice is held, attendanceis voluntary. The coach/adviser must be present.
- Generally, no games or events will be played, except IU and PIAA Playoffs.
Snow Make-Up Days (in order of use):
Sept. 19, Oct. 7, Feb. 17, April 6, June 7, June 8, and June 9. Emergency weather announcements are made using an automated phone/text/email system and posted on and Facebook, as well as local radio and television.