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Building Security

Surveillance cameras in use

Surveillance cameras are in daily use in CV Schools. Additional cameras may be added throughout the year.


Doors are locked during school day

All district buildings are locked during the school day and remain so until dismissal. Parents, visitors, and late students shall enter the building only through designated entrances. Students violating this policy, or assisting others to violate this policy, will be subject to disciplinary action. Other unauthorized persons may be prosecuted for trespassing.

Visitor/Parent registration required

All visitors/parents/salespersons are required to register at the office and to obtain a visitor’s pass to be worn at all times while they are in the building. Failure to register may result in prosecution for trespassing.

Emergency and weather-related announcements

Emergency information and weather-related announcements will be made using an automated phone/text/email system and posted on the CV district website,, as well as CV’s Facebook page. Information will also be shared with the following radio and television stations:

  • WROZ-FM (101.3)
  • WLAN-FM (96.9)
  • WJTL-FM (90.3)
  • WDAC-FM (94.5)
  • CBS-21
  • ABC-27

Parents, should an emergency occur...

  • As difficult as it may be, please do not rush to the school. Emergency vehicles must have unrestricted access to and from the school. Your child’s safety is of primary concern to staff and emergency workers.
  • Please do not phone the school. This ties up phone lines and, even if you get through, the person answering may not have the authority to release information to the public.
  • Please listen to the radio/TV and the automated phone message from your child’s principal to hear status reports and to learn when you are permitted to come for your child.
  • Please follow directions for parking when you come to the school. Randomly parked vehicles may hinder emergency procedures.
  • Please follow directions from the staff and/or emergency personnel for entering the building or locating your child.
  • Please be patient! We must account for your child before releasing him or her to you. No child will be released to anyone other than the parent unless there is present written permission signed by the parent or the person(s) named on the child’s emergency card.

Change in school day for weather conditions

Decisions to delay the opening of school, dismiss students early, or close for the day are made strictly on concerns for student safety. Accordingly, a decision may be made on a forecast of bad weather predicted for the morning. Initial decisions must be made by 6 a.m. in order to inform buses. In many cases, the first announcement may be for a delay. Continue to monitor school and local media outlets as later announcements may close school for the day.

Special Conditions: Sometimes special conditions (flooding, power failure, etc.) may force the closing of only one school or require an early dismissal. Discuss with your child plans to handle these special situations.

Waiting for Bus: Students are expected to wait 30 minutes for their bus.

Canceling Activities: Procedures set forth below will automatically go into effect with early dismissal or cancellation announcements. Exceptions will be announced.

  1. Early dismissal due to weather conditions.
    1. No activity buses. School will officially close 30 minutes after the last bus (all students out of the building).
    2. No practice, games, or after school or evening events (exception: sports playoffs).
  2. No school due to weather conditions.
    1. Middle school: No practices/games/events or after school events.
    2. Senior high: Decision will be made at noontime by athletic director and superintendent for that day’s practice, games, or events.
      1. If practice is held, attendance is voluntary. The coach/adviser must be present.
      2. Generally, no games or events will be played, except IU and PIAA Playoffs.

For the latest information, visit

CV's buildings are accessible to all

All our buildings are accessible to wheelchairs. If you have a disability that requires other accommodations, call the building principal to discuss how we can best address your needs.