CharacterStrong: Trait of the Month
Beginning in 2021-22, the district introduced a new social-emotional learning tool, CharacterStrong, to enhance its existing focus on character and character traits. CharacterStrong is a curriculum and professional development organization with a goal to create a better world through education. The mission is to help schools more effectively teach strong character and social-emotional skills to their students.
September |
October |
November |
December |
Respectis seeing value in all people and things & treating them with care. |
Responsibilityis taking action and understanding the impact of our choices.
Gratitudeis choosing to appreciate the people and things in our lives.
Empathyis understanding and connecting to other people’s feelings.
January |
February |
March |
April |
Perseveranceis pushing yourself to work through challenges and obstacles. |
Honestyis being truthful in what you say and do. |
Cooperationis working together to reach shared goals. |
Courageis choosing what is helpful, right and kind – even when it’s hard and scary. |
May |
Creativityis using your imagination to create something new or solve a problem.