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Cooperative Behavior shall be defined as the willingness of a student to work with staff and school personnel in a reasonable and helpful manner, including following through with any recommendations.

Distribution means to deliver, pass, sell, share, or give to another person, or to assist in the distribution of any alcohol, drug, or mood-altering substance.

Drug/Mood-Altering Substance/Alcohol shall include any alcoholic beverage, drug, narcotic, and/or other health-endangering substances that include, but are not limited to, tranquilizers, amphetamines, synthetic drugs, steroids, marijuana, hallucinogens, glue, solvent containing substances, "look-alike" drugs, caffeine pills, any medication for which a prescription is required under the law, any substance which is intended to alter mood, and medication (including over-the-counter drugs) not registered with the school nurse and annotated within the student's health record in accordance with the school district policy, and any other substance listed in Act 64 (1972).

Look-A-Like Drugs are substances manufactured or designed to resemble drugs, mood-altering substances, narcotics, other health-endangering compounds or smoking/tobacco products such as vaporizers.

Medication Policy: The district enforces a comprehensive medication policy (see complete Medication Policy on page 48).

Paraphernalia includes any equipment, product, material, or item of any kind which, in the school's judgment, can be linked with the use of drugs, alcohol, or mood-altering substances.

Police Contact: The school will report the use of drugs and alcohol to the police. School disciplinary action is in addition to any charges filed by the police.


  • Active Possession involves keeping/holding without attempt to distribute any alcohol, drug, or mood-altering substance.
  • Implied Possession is a person's knowing control and access with other persons to any alcohol, drug, or mood-altering substance.

Steroid Use Prohibited: Act 93 of 1989 prohibits the use of anabolic steroids, except for a valid medical purpose, by any pupil involved in school-related athletics. The Act includes minimum penalties, requiring suspension from the team for the remainder of the season.

Uncooperative Behavior is student resistance or refusal (verbal, physical, or passive), to complying with the reasonable requests or recommendations of school personnel, including those in the Student Assistance Program.

Reminder to Parents:

Adults who provide alcohol to persons under 21– even their own children – will receive a MANDATORY fine of $1,000 for the first offense and $2,500 for second or subsequent offenses per minor. For example, providing alcohol to a party involving 10 minors will result in a fine of $10,000 to $25,000. Anyone who makes or sells false ID will receive the same penalty.