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Student Assistance Program (SAP)

A team of professionally trained staff is available to deal with:

  • Concerns about suicide
  • Depression
  • Alcohol & related problems
  • Drug use & related problems
  • Anger/violence
  • Serious attendance problems

If you suspect that your student is involved with any of the above, you can get help by referring him/her to SAP through contacting your school counselor, or completing the MTSS/SAP Referral Form the GHMS SAP Referral Form.

The team provides an assessment of the problem and may use a formal intervention process with parents and the student to resolve the issues.

You can also get help from the SAP by contacting any professional school employee or, if the student wishes, through self-referral. The actions of the team are held in confidence unless the safety or health of the student or other individuals is at risk.