Safe2Say Something
Safe2Say Something
All K-12 schools in Pennsylvania are required by state law to participate the Safe2Say Something program. Safe2Say Something is a youth violence prevention program run by the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General. The program teaches youth and adults how to recognize warning signs and signals, especially within social media, from individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and to “say something” BEFORE it is too late.
The program requires our school district to train students in our middle and high schools how to utilize a 24/7 anonymous tip line, app, and website to submit anonymous tips regarding student and school safety.
Tips are triaged by Analysts in the Office of the Attorney General Crisis Center. They triage each tip to ensure there is enough information to act upon, determine if the tip is life safety or non-life safety, as well as conduct on-going two-way dialog with the tipster when needed. The crisis center sends all submissions to school administration and/or law enforcement for intervention. If needed, the crisis center may contact the tipster anonymously through the app.
Trained administrators serve on our school district’s Safe2Say Team. Training and information is provided to middle and high school. Students in our elementary schools will not be trained, but any student, parent, or community member is able to submit a tip using the Safe2Say Something reporting system.
Information is made publicly available on the Conestoga Valley website’s School Safety page: /Page/3073