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Title IX

Definition: In accordance with Title IX, the Board prohibits sexual harassment and discrimination on the basis of sex. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct, Board policy, and applicable federal, state, and local law and regulations.

Reporting Procedures:

Any report of sex-based discrimination or harassment will be taken seriously, addressed promptly and with sensitivity. A student may report an incident of sexual discrimination or harassment verbally or in writing to any District employee. All reports shall be directed immediately to the Title IX Coordinator. All non-students can report any incident of sex-based harassment to the Title IX Coordinator. Reports can be made at any time by phone, email, or by completing and submitting the Discrimination/Harassment Incident Reporting Form. Additionally, if the person who received a complaint of sexual harassment is a mandated reporter and has reasonable cause to suspect that a student is the victim of child abuse, the incident should immediately be reported to the appropriate agency as directed by state law. This mandated reporting obligation is in addition to a report being made to the Title IX Coordinator, Randy E. Smith.


This policy prohibits retaliation against an individual who files a complaint in response to conduct that s/he reasonably believes violates this policy, or against an individual who participates or cooperates with an investigation. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible to effectively respond to a reported incident of sexual harassment.