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Rules & Regulations

Explanations of Terms

Alternative Education: Alternative education students (placed for disciplinary reasons) may not participate in or attend any school sponsored event on CV school grounds. Administration should refer to Appendix A: Discipline Decision-Making guide when assigning action code #44: Suspension from School Athletics.

Bodily Injury: Impairment of physical condition or inflicting substantial pain.

Counseling/Therapy: Referral for counseling does not make the child immune to disciplinary action by the school.

Hearings: See article on page 13.

Internet Use: Behavior on the Internet is monitored at school and governed by board policy which can be accessed on the CV web site at or by calling the district office at 717-397-2421.

Physical Injury: Resulting in physical damage/change to the body (ex: bruise, scrape, abrasion) that does not result in impairment of physical condition or inflict substantial pain.

Removal from the Scene: When it is in the interest of the student and/or the school, a student may be removed from a disruptive situation. Parents may be contacted to come for their child until a full investigation of the matter may be completed.

Violations Occurring Outside School: The district has no responsibility to take disciplinary action against a student for infractions committed outside school unless that action presents a threat to the health/safety of the student body or if there is a direct nexus that causes a substantial disruption to the educational process. In these cases, appropriate action within school policy shall be taken. Students who commit violations outside the school may be subject to the district’s extracurricular/social code (pages 59-63).

Additional Regulations

Driving Privileges: The operation and parking of vehicles on school district property is regulated by the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code and policies of the school board. In addition to disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct and School Board Policy, violators of regulations pertaining to the operation and parking of vehicles may be subject to prosecution.

Right to an equal education

Process to File a Complaint Regarding School District Action

It is the policy of Conestoga Valley to provide an equal educational opportunity for all students through the programs offered in our schools. This opportunity is offered regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, ancestry, national origin, or disability.

The administration recognizes that students have the right to request redress of complaints when this policy is thought to be violated. Accordingly, individuals and groups who feel that their access to an equal educational program has been violated may use the grievance process to address their concern. Parties are encouraged to discuss their differences before deciding that an official grievance is the appropriate procedure.

A grievance is a written complaint arising out of any actions on the part of the district and/or its employees which directly affects the student’s participation in an approved educational program.

The grievance should be filed with the building administration within 90 days of the alleged violation. The administration will appoint a hearing officer within five (5) workdays. The hearing officer has 10 workdays to complete the investigation and file a report.

There shall be no reprisals against any students or their representatives because of participation in a grievance process. Under no circumstances will the procedure constitute a reflection on the student’s record.