Additional Student Conduct and Discipline Information
The administration respects the right of students to express themselves in word or symbol and to distribute and/or display materials as a part of that expression. That right is limited, however, by the need to maintain an orderly school environment and to protect the rights of all members of the school community.
All forms of student dress/apparel are forms of expression and are covered by this policy. Prohibited forms of expression (words, phrases or graphics) are those that:
- contain profanity, obscenity, or the promotion of any illegal activity;
- may lead to a libelous action;
- may incite violence or urge the violation of school regulations;
- solicit funds for non-school organizations unless approved by the administration.
See classroom-managed infraction code 101.0 “Dress Code Violation- Minor” and office-managed infraction code 202.0 “Dress Code Violation- Major” in the Code of Student Conduct.
Approval of School-Related Materials
All materials/publications of school-related organizations and the methods of their distribution/display are subject to review by the faculty adviser and/or the administration. Obscene or libelous materials may be edited and/or removed according to this policy. Official publications are not open public forums for unrestricted student expression. Each administrator will determine regulations for students’ use of school equipment to publish approved student communications. Students may be charged for materials used.
Approval of Non-School-Related Materials
The administration will determine the conditions for displaying/distributing materials of non-school-related organizations. Requests by community organizations or unauthorized student organizations will be submitted to the Superintendent’s office. All such materials must bear the name of the sponsoring organization and the name of at least one local representative. The school name may not be used on any publication without the approval of the Superintendent’s office. The principal will approve or disapprove the request based on this policy and First Amendment rights. Judgment will be made by the Superintendent’s office within five (5) school days. That decision may be appealed to the superintendent.
Pledge to the Flag and Meditation
Opening exercises will consist of a pledge to the United States flag and a moment of silent meditation. Students who choose to refrain from such participation will respect the rights and interests of classmates who do wish to participate.
Student Activities
Building principals will approve all student activities with the assistance of delegated members of the faculty. Any group of students that has an approved faculty sponsor should be permitted to establish an organization that may make use of school facilities.
Excuse from Activities: Parents or guardians may submit a written request that their child be excused from certain types of student activities for religious or physical reasons.