Tobacco & Gambling
Tobacco use and/or possession by all persons, students or adults is prohibited in all school buildings, school vehicles, and on school property owned by, leased by, or under the control of the school district, including off-campus school-sponsored activities. The following are understood with respect to this policy:
Enforcement & Disciplinary Options
Reasonable Suspicion by witness of a student using or possessing tobacco products or smoking/vaping equipment, which may include lighters, matches, electronic cigarettes nicotine products or vaping devices, will justify disciplinary action under this policy. Direct observation of smoking/vaping is not always required.
Direct Observation of Smoking: Direct observation of a student or adult in possession of a lighted tobacco product will result in a summary citation being filed before the District Justice, with a fine up to $50, as per Act 128 of 2000.
Mandatory Prosecution and Consequences: Any student who violates this smoking policy will be liable for prosecution and/or disciplinary consequences. School discipline for “direct observation” of smoking, as well as other smoking/vaping policy violations, will be as follows:
Other Smoking/Vaping Policy Violations for Students
- 1st Offense: 1 day OSS/3 days ISS; parent contact
- 2nd Offense: 3 days OSS/5 days ISS; counselor referral; parent conference
- 3rd Offense: 5 days OSS/10 days ISS; parent conference; administrative review