Board Meeting Notes
2024-25 Board Meeting Notes
Rather than having to navigate the agendas, the Board offers this synopsis of this school year's work. Any archived board meeting notes can be found at the bottom of this webpage.
If there are any issues you feel the Board should address, you can contact us at our District email; addresses are listed here. For issues related to the classroom work of your student or building issues, please contact the teacher and/or principal. For other District issues, we will direct your concerns to the appropriate administrator or consider the issues as a Board when appropriate.
Our meeting schedule is also posted on the website. You’re always welcome at any meeting.
Fall 2024 Board Notes
A PDF version of the below information can be found here.
Summer vacation is a distant memory and winter is rushing toward us along with the holidays. In between is the work of starting a new school year and all of the activities that come with fall while the colorful autumn foliage begins to blow around us.
CV began the school year with an impressive group of new professional staff members in the classroom and the principals’ offices. Our VIA (Volunteers in Action) and other volunteers are busy at work supporting the teachers, students and activities.
The work of focusing on student achievement continues with updated curriculum in both K-8 Mathematics and Language Arts and expanded offerings at the high school. Additionally, the CVVA (CV Virtual Academy) is thriving in its new home beside the renovated new Smoketown Elementary and new District Offices. Leola Elementary is settled into the old Smoketown building while renovations progress on their building.
It’s been a great season for our extra-curricular both athletic (kudos to football team) and artistic performing arts of music and drama.
All the while, the work of the Board continues. We return to the work of reviewing our policies and guidelines and have begun work on the 2025-26 budget as required by law and will provide as much as is possible within the state index limit. Administration has focused on trimming contracts and services and maximizing programs for all students. Meanwhile, we wait to see what a new state budget and legislature will bring.
We hope the school year has been smooth for you all, but if you and your students have had issues or met snags in achievement, please don’t hesitate to contact the teacher, principal or administrator for help in finding solutions.
As always, we welcome everyone to attend our Board meetings in-person or online. The schedule and agendas are posted on the CV website.
Until next year, the Board wishes you all a joyful holiday season and a peaceful and happy New Year full of new possibilities.
Idette Groff
President, CV Board of School Directors