District Budget
In these difficult economic times, directors of the CVSD school board are taking their responsibilities to our local taxpayers very seriously in two important ways. First, we must continue to provide a quality service for our students. Second, we need to be prudent with taxpayer resources, looking for strategies to reduce expenditures and increase efficiencies.
The board aims to be as transparent as possible in crafting the district's budget. That's why we have created this section of our website detailing various aspects of the district's budget process. Below are files available for download containing recent budget information presented to the board. We also invite you to view the information on these pages:
The school board welcomes your input. If you have suggestions or comments to help the board work through this process, please contact the District Office at 717-397-2421.The district's budget is public information. Click here to download (PDF) all key budget documents archived from the past several years.